Halytsynіvsky Lyceum

Dear friends!
In 2021, our students entered a newly renovated lyceum building with beautiful renovated classrooms equipped with modern educational facilities for a better learning experience and efficiency.

Tatyana Vitvitsková
Halytsyniwka Lyceum
From the beginning of the russian invasion, our city was constantly shelled and bombed by the Russians, and by the end of april the lyceum was badly damaged.

Now that the russian troops are thrown beyond the Dnipro, the bombardment has eased, so we can start rebuilding. Although many children, parents and some teachers have left the country, we are already repairing the damage to welcome our students back once the war is over.

Since we cannot count on budgetary support to rebuild the lyceum until the end of the war, it is extremely important to have equipment for classrooms. This will help ensure quality education for our students despite the difficult situation. Thanks to modern technologies and high-quality equipment, our students will be able to access new educational materials and expand their knowledge. We are sure that this will be an important step in securing the future of our students and will open wide opportunities for their development and success.

With great gratitude, we will accept any help in the reconstruction of the lyceum and equipping classrooms with modern equipment!
Director of Halytsyniwka Lyceum Tatiana Vitvitskova